New Guest Blog on Trek Sphere! – Where No (Wo)Man Will Go Again?

Hello hello ~
Almost forgot to add this here (and that will not do!) – a new blog has gone live on Trek Sphere (formerly TrekFanProductions)!
This time I guess it’s an opinion piece on the dearth of female writers writing Star Trek TOS novels.
If you’re interested, please hop on across to the article on Trek Sphere using the link below:

Once upon a time in a decade not so long ago, a series of books began introducing new stories to a beloved franchise. Some of the stories were very, very bad,  a selection of the stories were ‘alright’, and happily, a good portion were inspired.   
One of the other most exciting things about this series of books was that the publishers in their desire for new and exciting content, cast their nets wide in order to capitalize on the success of their franchise.  This resulted in a whole range of writers being published. Some were professional, published authors in their own right, others were fans and amateurs with promise, others still were scraping the bottom of the barrel – what were the editors thinking? I’ve asked myself after reading some of the more problematic love letters to the franchise. 

The numbers vary in any year but if you look at the distribution of the authors something becomes very clear; in the beginning of the Pocket Books Star Trek TOS novel series there is broadly an even spread of male and female authors.

New Guest Blog on!

Hello everyone!

Just thought I’d share with you that I’ve written another blog for which has just gone live!

This time it is a review of Joan Marie Verba’s Boldly Writing – A Trek Fan and Fanfiction History 1967 – 1987.

If you’re interested in my opinion / perspective of this book, please hop on over to Trek Fan Productions via the link below!

Review of Boldly Writing – A Trek Fan and Fanfiction History 1967 – 1987

Boldly Writing – A Trek Fan and Fanfiction History 1967 – 1987 by Joan Marie Verba is a quietly wonderful book which will appeal to those with an interest in the roots of fan fiction and the development of really the first true fandom as we understand the phenomenon today.Verba, an avid collector and contributor to fanzines from ‘the beginning’ (she first encountered the fandom in 1969 although she had loved Star Trek from the first episode), gives us a history of fanzines from the valuable perspective of someone who was actually part of the movement.

Guest blog is up on!

Hello Hello!

I just thought I’d share with you that a little while back I wrote a guest blog for which has just gone live today!

It’s an essay on an alternative reading of Turnabout Intruder, ditching the ‘sexist’/’sexism’ commentary and instead positing that a better reading is one of ‘gender fluidity’ and exposition of mental illness.

Anyway, if you’re interested and would like to read something other than a book review by me, please follow the link:

Turning About Turnabout Intruder