New Guest Blog on!

Hello everyone!

Just thought I’d share with you that I’ve written another blog for which has just gone live!

This time it is a review of Joan Marie Verba’s Boldly Writing – A Trek Fan and Fanfiction History 1967 – 1987.

If you’re interested in my opinion / perspective of this book, please hop on over to Trek Fan Productions via the link below!

Review of Boldly Writing – A Trek Fan and Fanfiction History 1967 – 1987

Boldly Writing – A Trek Fan and Fanfiction History 1967 – 1987 by Joan Marie Verba is a quietly wonderful book which will appeal to those with an interest in the roots of fan fiction and the development of really the first true fandom as we understand the phenomenon today.Verba, an avid collector and contributor to fanzines from ‘the beginning’ (she first encountered the fandom in 1969 although she had loved Star Trek from the first episode), gives us a history of fanzines from the valuable perspective of someone who was actually part of the movement.

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